
Helen Creswell
Counselling in Rome

Connecting, Collaborating, Becoming

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Why Counselling

What Do counsellors do ?

Deciding to work together with a counsellor means entering into a special helping relationship where the focus is on you and your well-being. Together you move towards a specific, defined objective aimed at bringing a greater sense of wellness and wholeness. The focus is on the here and now and the future.

How Can Counsellors Help ?

The relationship with a counsellor is confidential and personal and involves actively listening to each client to help them become more aware of their emotions, needs and personal resources. Counsellors focus on building a connection with clients based on empathy, honesty, no judgment and confidentiality. A counsellor working individually does not provide therapy, give advice, provide solutions or treat patients with pathologies. If a client presents with these needs they will be offered a referral to a psychotherapist or other appropriate professional.

What About Training ?

Counsellors can have degrees in differing subjects and often have varying backgrounds and experiences which they draw upon to offer new perspectives and enrich their work. Specific training to earn a diploma in counselling is usually done over a 3 year period in schools approved by national counselling associations, members of the International Association of Counselling.

Why Helen

When the other person is hurting, confused, troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified; or when he or she is doubtful of self-worth, uncertain as to identity, then understanding is called for. The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance… provides illumination and healing. In such situations deep understanding is, I believe, the most precious gift one can give to another.
Carl Rogers

My work as a counsellor is fundamentally founded on listening to and making a genuine and trusting human connection with my clients.
I am an integrative counsellor so my approach is not confined to a specific form of psychology. I listen carefully to understand my clients' difficulties and needs and choose different counselling techniques to respond to them. My work is therefore client-focused and provides clients with a unique approach to their problem as they themselves are unique.
I have experience working with individuals, couples and groups and collaborate with a psychotherapist to provide couple and group therapy. I was a team leader of The Counselling, Psychology and Medical Team of the Joel Nafuma Refugee Centre where I volunteered for seven years. I have worked as a Solicitor, teacher and Educational Director of an ESL learning community which I helped to create.
In December 2022 I became a certified teacher of The Non-Linear Movement Method®.

Accredited as a Professional Relational Counselor by the "Associazione Nazionale di Counselor Relazionale"
Professional Member of The International Association for Counselling and Member of the International Association of Creative Arts in Education and Therapy.

What can we work on together

Personal Wellbeing

Clarifying why you might be feeling unfulfilled and unhappy in your life; increasing self-esteem and self-confidence; recognizing and activating your personal skills and resources.

Relationship Problems

Validating your needs and improving communication difficulties with your partner, with a family member, friends, with colleagues at work or teachers and fellow-students.

Dealing with loss

Recognising a sense of loss and what it represents: the passing of a loved one; a change of country, area, job, retirement; a separation; coping with change.

Supervision For School Staff

Providing a non-judgmental setting aimed at increasing job satisfaction, improving communication and coping mechanisms, reducing self-doubt, raising self-awareness and sense of professional identity.

Psychological First Aid

Providing support in the short-term aftermath of events experienced as traumatizing where usual resilience and coping mechanisms fail. (Certificates in Critical Incident Stress Management for Individuals and Groups).

Motivational Interviewing

Understanding ambivalent feelings and insecurities to create the self-motivation and confidence needed to change your behaviour and create healthy opportunities and alternatives.

  • Emotions are helpful

    Learn to identify and accept all your emotions, use and validate them for greater well-being.

  • Decision-making

    Recognise you have choices and bring greater clarity to them; learn how to make better decisions for yourself.

  • Make a change

    Explore opportunities to make a change in your life; recognize and elaborate a fear of change.

  • Greater self-awareness

    What makes you unique? Be honest with yourself and accept your limitations; activate your personal skills and resources.

Registered with the Associazione Nazionale Counselor Relazionali (ANCoRe) no.355 ANCoRe Professional Responsibility Insurance Policy no. 0000079742